Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Reassessing 2010

Today marks the end of the first half of 2010. Amazingly, the year is already (or only) half over. I have experienced tremendous growth and change in these past six months...
  • I've been laid off and looking for work for way longer than I expected to be.
  • My husband deployed to the Gulf. We've been separated now for 40 days with 172 left to go.
  • I changed course on school, abandoning the traditional path for one that feels so incredibly right.
  • I've been working on starting my own business.
  • I truly embraced clean eating and am loving the results.
  • For the first time in my entire life, I am content with my body. No need to lose weight or change. Just trying to maintain the status quo, while enjoying good food and good company.
  • I feel more connected with my friends and attribute much of my mental well-being to their presence and support.
  • I've started blogging, albeit slacking in the month of June.
Tomorrow marks the start of the second half of 2010. What a great time to reassess my goals for the year and predict what the rest of 2010 bring...
  • My husband will return home.
  • I will continue writing more regularly. I may even take a writing class through NOVA.
  • My new adventure with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition will begin in August.
  • Robb begins his senior year at Stone Bridge, getting ready to leave the nest.
  • I'll get my personal training certification and launch my wellness coaching business (more to come on this one).
  • Alex will get her driver's license. Two teen drivers in one home may just put me over the edge.
  • We'll likely be adding a new member in our family...a kitten. (More to come on this one, too!)

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