Thursday, May 13, 2010

Top 10 Things I Learned on My Spring Cleanse

On April 22, I started a 21 day cleanse, primarily to break my dependence on Coke Zero and Trident Pina Colada gum.  Of course, I hoped to lose a few pounds in the process.  Three weeks later I have no desire for my former vices, and I've lost 5.5 lbs. Improved sleep and elimination, as well as clearer skin and a positive vibe were all benefits, but I also learned the following:   

10.  A break is good for the body and the mind.  The past few months have been pretty stressful, so I am thrilled that I took the opportunity to take a mental breather and just focus on sweeping out the old, making room for the new.  Also, I've been working out hard for years with only a few consecutive days off.  My body was pooped and I needed time to regroup and recommit.  After three weeks of yoga and easy cardio, I am craving a tough workout, ready to get back to my old faves of Spinning, Stepmill intervals and heavy lifting.

9.  Bikram is really, really hot and isn't like any other type of yoga I've ever done.  When I went to my first class, the instructor asked me if I had done Bikram before.  I responded proudly, "I've done Ashtanga and Hatha yoga."  His response (in a catty, bitchy tone) was "oh, then you haven't done Bikram" and he was right.  That first class was tough and it truly felt like a sauna in the room.  Sweat poured, which I loved for the detoxifying benefits.  I like being warm, but when one of my classes hit 120 degrees, it was a little much for me. I kept thinking, now I know what a chicken feels like in the oven.  Also, I didn't realize that in Bikram the same 26 static postures are repeated in the same order every class.  Yes, this does create a rhythm and routine, but I missed the flows of my past classes.  I also missed the wonderful aroma of incense since the  Bikram studio smelled of old sweat like a gym locker room.

8.  Toasted walnuts are delicious.  Crunchy nuggets of good fat.  They are even a little sweet, which I can now discern because my taste buds aren't dulled by sugarless gum. 

7.  I cannot have almond butter in the house.  Organic, salt free nut butters were fair game, but I just kept finding myself dipping my spoon back in for more.  Thus, I ended up throwing a 1/2 eaten jar away in week two.

6.  Confirmed again that weight loss is more about diet than exercise.  Even though I cut back on tough cardio, skipped the heart rate monitor and didn't lift even one dumbell, I lost the five pounds I've been struggling with for months.  Skipping cheats and restaurant meals on weekends made the real difference on the scale.  Plus, with limited sodium and no crappy carbs, I am not retaining water weight.

5.  Colon therapy (a colonic) is interesting, cleansing and not something I want to do very often.  Will spare readers the details on this one.

4.  Cutting caffeine was easier than cutting salt.  Even though I am not a coffee drinker, I did have some caffeine withdrawal.  But the banging headache subsided by Day 4, whereas I craved salt until, well, today.  I never realized how much I salt my food and how much it changes the flavor (for the better).  As I transition to a more maintainable diet, I will bring some salt back in, but need to be more conscious of how much I use.   

3.  Having previously done fitness show prep diets, the cleanse wasn't actually that bad.  I didn't feel deprived because I had nuts, oils and fruit to satisfy me.  Plus, I chose to go through this process and so I didn't have any desire to cheat.  In show prep, I would cheat at least once every two weeks.  The cleanse was different...I felt I would be cheating on myself.  I didn't want to break the momentum and have to start over again.

2.  Trying new things is fun!  Here are just a few of the new things I tried over these 21 days:
  • Vanilla Rooibos tea from Starbucks - it is yummy and nutty.  
  • Broccoli Rabe (or rapini) -- a little bitter, but I felt healthier just eating it.  Wegman's sells it in bags, ready to cook.  
  • Drinking hot water, lemon & cayenne first thing in the morning...a habit I will likely continue. 
  • Fruit only for breakfast -- refreshing and light.  I have a new appreciation for bananas.   
  • Amaranth --tasty, especially with toasted walnuts (see #8) thrown in.  
  • Bikram (see #10).  
  • Colonics (see #4).     
  • Cleanse Elixirs -- mixes of fresh juices, grated ginger, fresh garlic, oils and cayenne.  Not too bad aside from the resulting horrible breath and the 300+ calories spent on something that wasn't very satisfying.  Tried not to focus on the caloric expenditure, but rather the detoxifying benefits. 
1.  When I set my mind to something, I do it.  Coke Zero and gum will no longer control me.  Now, I just have to figure out what I want to keep in, bring back in and what will stay out.

Thank you Amy at VitalSelf for being my guide and for being so supportive.   I highly recommend trying a cleanse to anyone struggling with their own vices or toxins, be it food, people or stress.


  1. This was a GREAT insight to a cleanse from someone who is already very healthy, and not someone doing it as a quick fix for a diet.

    I loved your top 10, and got some tips to incorporate into my daily nutrition.


  2. Koren - what I'm most impressed about with you is the sheer passion you put into whatever you are doing ... I loved that about your at AOL and with your body building, your kids, etc. I'm so happy you got so much out of the cleanse. Thank you for being such an incredible participant in the cleanse and for embracing it for what is actually is ... a total mind, body and spirit cleanse! Here's to your ongoing health and happiness! Hugs to you :-) Amy
