Monday, July 26, 2010

Acknowledge Me, Please

Rubes and I took the pups for a walk tonight. As we strolled, a jogger approached. She was about my age, headphones on and "in her zone" I suspect. Without a smile, eye contact or a simple hello, she ran by. I shook my head and sighed. That kind of behavior just boggles my mind. She obviously saw us and had to realize that we saw her. Yet, she didn't make even the slightest effort to acknowledge us, or more fundamentally, to connect with other human beings. Even dogs sniff each other or bark when passing.

I've vented about this before in my Facebook status. At AOL, there was this long corridor between buildings. It always amazed me how many times people would pass by like zombies. So often I felt like yelling out "I SEE YOU!" just to see what they would do.

When I go for a run, I make a point to say hello or at least wave at people. I remember years ago, seeing a woman running who looked so miserable, I wondered why she was running at all. If it is that bad, go for a walk instead. The change in pace might allow that grimace to disappear. I don't particularly love running and certainly don't feel all that great doing it (usually feel great after it is over), but many times I will force a smile mid-run even if I don't feel like it. Amazingly, I start feeling less uncomfortable. And I especially make a point to say hello when running uphill and someone is coming way I'm letting anyone think the hill got the best of me.

Seems to me that there are two types of people in the world -- those that emit energy and those that suck it up. The emitters, give off a positive vibe and pull you in. You feel good around them. They don't scowl, they smile. They connect with you, whether it is through their eyes, gestures or words. They certainly say hello when passing. I strive to be an emitter and that is who I want to be around. Heck, kind eyes are what first drew me to my husband.

As I venture out into my new wellness coaching business, it is critical that I am an emitter, able to draw folks in. I've seen my share of people in the fitness industry who really stink at this skill. At the gym, some of the personal trainers I see every day will walk by without a glance. I would never train with them...if you don't have the cojones to look me in the eye, there is no way I'm putting my faith in you. On the opposite end of the spectrum are those who make an effort, smile and say hello. Those are the ones I would work with.

So tonight, as the jogger passed by, I made a point to talk to Ruby about how it is important to make eye contact and acknowledge others. I explained how not only does it show confidence, but it also shows kindness and humanity. Later in our walk, a young boy rode by us on his bicycle. He said hello and Ruby looked up and said hello back. Lesson learned.

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