Friday, February 19, 2010

Is Company X the One?

Job hunting is a lot like dating.

In this analogy, the interview is the first date. I recently interviewed for what I thought was the perfect job with Company X. I put on my cutest career outfit, sucked on a breath mint and tried to present a strong, smart and talented first impression. My heart raced as I answered questions, selling myself and hoping that the hiring manager would like me. I envisioned my life working there and overlooked flaws and shortcomings. I thought the meeting went really well. That evening, I sent a thank you email and optimistically expected an offer shortly thereafter. However, much to my chagrin, there was no follow up call. No email. NOTHING.

I felt just as I did when a guy wouldn't call. The feelings are all the same - excitement, rejection, nervousness, disappointment. Questions swirled through my head. What did I do wrong? Was I not as charming and brilliant as I thought I was? Do I email them again? Maybe a call? Or would that look desperate? Speaking of desperate, I must have checked my email every 60 seconds for the week following the interview. Every time the phone rang, I would pounce, hoping it would be them. Sadly, no call.

Weeks later, they did ask me back for a 2nd interview. Aha, our "date" hadn't been a disaster. I am charming and brilliant! Again, the interviews went incredibly well and I thought the job was mine. But again, no offer and no follow up email. Finally, about ten days later, the hiring manager asked me for references. Um, couldn't you have asked me for those a month ago? Irritated, I still sent my list of folks that would confirm I was a catch. When a week later they still hadn't been contact, I was confused and disappointed. Talk about mixed messages! And I thought guys were crazy.

With the job hunt comes all the same reassurances from friends too. "Oh, they'll call." "It isn't you." "Do you really want to work for a company that treats people like that?" Yet, all I kept hearing were the famous words from Greg Behrendt's dating doctrine, He's Just Not Into You, "If he isn't calling, he isn't interested." I took the hint and gave up, only to run into someone from Company X weeks later and have her mention the position and that we should catch up. UGH! Just like that guy that didn't want you, but didn't want anyone else to have you, they just loved stringing me along.

This week I experienced another parallel to dating -- the career fair. While mingling and selling of myself, I had flashbacks of my twenties, sitting in a bar trying to meet someone nice. The pressure to say the right thing and come off as confident but not cocky was exhausting. Am I sweating? Does my breath smell?

Ultimately, just like in relationships, I believe in fate. The job with Company X wasn't meant to be. Something even better will come along. Speaking of which, today I had an even better interview with an even better company. Gosh, I hope they call.

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