Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Love Affair with Cereal

I should own a cow. At least then I wouldn't be trucking to the grocery store every other day to buy milk. I always wondered who could take advantage of those "buy four, get the fifth gallon free" milk I know. Me! My house goes through a gallon every two days. Cereal is the main culprit. For teens who want a quick and easy meal, cereal is the ideal solution. Throw in a ton of sugar and teens are sold.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love cereal. There is just something magical about the sugar, the milk and the crunch. I truly believe I could eat cereal for all meals, everyday, if I could just control my addiction. When I have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, I find myself craving sugar all day and just cannot feel satisfied. Whereas if I eat cheesy eggs, I'm set until lunch time.

My daughter doesn't love cereal like I did/do. This morning, she took a few bites of her Golden Grahams and left the rest, in the milk. Unbelievably, she left the best part...the soggy last few bites and the sweetened room temperature milk. Not sure whether this behavior or her disdain for chocolate makes me question her true relation to me more. I quickly took a few bites and then dumped the remains down the sink. If I had finished that entire bowl, it could have triggered an avalanche of cereal grazing.

When I was little, my Grandma Helen always had Cheerios on hand. In my teens, I would devour big bowls of Raisin Nut Bran after school. Frosted Flakes became my variety of choice in my twenties. When I was doing fitness competitions, cereal was forbidden -- too many carbs and too much sugar -- and boy did I miss it. The coaches allowed oatmeal, but it just wasn't the same. Now, I occasionally indulge in a bowl, although it is usually restricted to pre-workout because it digests quickly and gives me a quick burst of energy. I also lean towards those with more protein and fiber. Here are two of my favorites:

Serving Size: 1 cup
13g protein, 30g carbs, 1g fat, 10g fiber, 6g sugar
140 calories

High fiber and good amount of protein.
Serving Size: 3/4c
10g protein, 14g carbs, 3g fat, 5g fiber, 2g sugar,
100 calories

Has a good carb/protein ratio with a decent amount of fiber.

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